4th Global Conference on Entrepreneurship and Economy in an Era of Uncertainty

November 27-29, 2024, Da Nang city, Vietnam


The most important risks of business operations in the global economy include business interruptions, cyberattacks, armed conflicts, natural disasters, rapid price fluctuations on the raw material markets, inflation, and legislative and market changes. Companies are also exposed to third-party liability claims. Events in recent years prove that professional liability policies are becoming particularly important as the amount of damage increases. When cooperating with foreign companies, it is also worth remembering the legal risks associated with it. Problems related to new work models, managing remote work, the operation of the company in the face of possible economic turmoil due to the plague and the organizations’ adaptation to the crisis situation should not be ignored. This is relevant to Inter-Generational Management, Strategic management, Inflation, Digital disruption in the service industry, External Shocks, and Business Resilience.

The scientific committee welcomes submissions for paper in the area of entrepreneurship and economy in the world today. More particularly, but not exclusively, the following tracks about the conference’s overarching theme are listed:


Track 1: Entrepreneurship and Innovation 
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An important aspect of the enterprises functioning is the human factor inside the organization as well as in the business environment. That is why research related to the social aspects of management, the levels and areas of analysis of the functioning of an individual in an organization are so important. Psychosocial perspective in the context of individual differences and the consequences of an individual membership in social groups. In the organizational aspect, an important area of research is human resources management, including the characteristics of functions and basic areas of influence, as well as ethical aspects of the functioning of enterprises. Nowadays, the Employment of Immigrants, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Social Entrepreneurship or Academic Entrepreneurship are becoming more and more important in the social area of entrepreneurship.

Most people have dreamed of starting their own business, especially with advances in technologies, but many people see only the cons of starting a business. Innovation is at the heart of entrepreneurship today, leading to many successful ventures. In contrast, many others have failed at different stages, starting from conceptualization, take-off point, scaling up, and public offerings. For most entrepreneurs, what they see is an ocean of opportunities; this is mostly the driving force behind successful companies. Despite the success envisioned by entrepreneurs, obstacles always appear first; many are swept aside at the first hurdle. However, success comes from overcoming obstacles—the expansion of entrepreneurship fuels the nations’ economic development. The companies’ ability to expand, innovate and go digital all contribute significantly to its development. At the heart of every successful company is the open embrace of innovation and improving existing processes to achieve sustainability.

Entrepreneurial businesses must deal with severe problems like high-risk investments. They will also experience significant profits in exchange for that risk. Banks and venture capitalists are the two primary sources of capital accumulation. Banks will be subject to less effective monitoring and capital needs from their investors. Venture capitalists have substantial capital costs and must manage their investments very carefully. However, venture capitalists’ drawback is that they want high returns—at least 30–40% annually, compared to relatively little in banks. Venture capitalists or financial institutions may contribute a different amount of funding depending on the endeavor. Some of the areas submissions can focus on include entrepreneurship and venture capital, venture capital limited partnerships, financial venture capital funds, accounting for the advancement of entrepreneurship, corporate venture capital funds, small business investment firms, and institutional venture capitalist funds. Entrepreneurs can receive financing, especially in the early stages of the venture, from friends, family, angel investors, and seed-stage financing to enable take-off and smooth running of the venture.

The obstacles and opportunities for developing the Industry 4.0 concept and the digitization of industries, enterprises, and industrial markets, as well as examining trends in the digitalization of industrial enterprise management processes, are considered. The rapid development of disruptive technologies puts enormous strain and challenges on organizations. Large-scale changes in the operating system, business models, and organizational structure must be pursued if they are to reap the benefits of modern technologies and remain competitive. Disruptive technologies will continue to be a significant subject in the coming years because of how quickly and drastically technology is advancing now and how it is changing businesses and sectors. Therefore, disruptive technologies that potentially produce significantly more value than the ones in use are a constant concern for organizational management today. The administration of the organization and coordination of business activities is the main emphasis of business management. Management aids in resource planning, organization, direction, and control so that the businesses’ resources may achieve the policy goals. Some of the focus will be on Business and Management Analytics, Management of Economic Development, E-Business and E-Government, Digital Disruptions and Technology Management, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Logistics, Aviation and Transportation in the Digital Age, Human Resource Management, Digital Commerce and Social Media, Design Thinking and Innovation Management, Information Systems Management, Operations, Team Performance Management, Management Education and Development, New Business Models.

With the emergence of advanced technologies and the increasing requirements by customers due to development of service sectors, customer experience management by enterprises has experienced many changes. To survive, compete, and prosper, companies increasingly strive for creating and managing optimal customer experiences. The intervention of digital tools and devices also creates many opportunities as well as challenges for companies to manage customer experiences. The topics pertaining to customer experiences may include the Methods for gaining Customer Insights, Integration of Customer Insights into Designing Customer Experiences, Applications of Advanced Technologies into Designing and Managing Customer Experiences, Applications of Neurosciences in Creating Customer Experiences, Integrated Models to Optimize Customer Experiences, and Dynamics of Customer Experiences in Various Service Contexts and Cross-Cultural Contexts.

Track 2: Social Problems of Entrepreneurship
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With the emergence of advanced technologies and the increasing requirements by customers due to development of service sectors, customer experience management by enterprises has experienced many changes. To survive, compete, and prosper, companies increasingly strive for creating and managing optimal customer experiences. The intervention of digital tools and devices also creates many opportunities as well as challenges for companies to manage customer experiences. The topics pertaining to customer experiences may include the Methods for gaining Customer Insights, Integration of Customer Insights into Designing Customer Experiences, Applications of Advanced Technologies into Designing and Managing Customer Experiences, Applications of Neurosciences in Creating Customer Experiences, Integrated Models to Optimize Customer Experiences, and Dynamics of Customer Experiences in Various Service Contexts and Cross-Cultural Contexts.

Conference Theme


Conference papers will be peer reviewed and published in Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics indexed in Scopus.
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Track 6: Customer experiences in a digital age
Track 5: Business and Organizational Management
Track 4: Entrepreneurship and Financing
Track 3: Organizational Performance and Global Economy
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New challenges of the Global Economy
for Business Management


Founder & Chairman of Beta Group
Shark Bui Quang Minh
(Minh Beta)
Senior Lecturer,
 Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dr Dimitrios Salampasis
Director of Swinburne Vietnam Alliance Program
Dr. Hoang Viet Ha
Please provide the requested submission and registration to:
Michal Kot – Conference Administrator and Organizer


30 September 2024
Deadline for payment and Invoicing
30 September 2024
Deadline for papers submission
30 July 2024
Deadline for registration
(Title and Abstract)

Important Dates 


Virtual Presenter (ZOOM): 550USD
Oral/Poster Presenter (Presenting Author): 650USD

UNTIL: 30/09/2024

Additional Paper (by the same Presenter): 350USD
Attendee (Without abstract/Paper): 300USD
Online (ZOOM) Attendee (Without abstract/Paper): 100USD

Address: ul. LORETAŃSKA 37/4
42-226 CZĘSTOCHOWA, Poland
VAT ID PL 5732848293

PL92 1140 2004 0000 3812 1485 2117
Please pay the fee by Standard/Online Transfer/Bank deposit using following data:
Please provide the requested details of corresponding author and the paper, submit to:
You may cancel without penalty if written cancellation request are received up to and including 45 days prior to the start of the conference. No refunds or credits will be issued on cancellation requests received less than 45 days prior to the start of the event. No liability is assumed by International Research Center for Higher Education and Business Cooperation for changes in date, program or venue.

Cancellation Policy

Michal Kot – Conference Administrator and Organizer



EEEU 2024

Swinburne Vietnam - Da Nang location, Lot 1 + 2, 2/9 Street, Hai Chau, Da Nang city, Vietnam
27 - 29/11/2024

Dr. Thi Bich Hanh Tran - Head of Business Department, Swinburne Vietnam (conference co-chair)